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2018-09-12 15:32:48 来源:艺术家提供作者:



  On September 06,2018,courtesy visited Dr.Tania Fernandez de Toledo,Chief of the Conference and Cultural Events Management Section at UNESCO, Paris. Prof. Lin and Dr. Toledo further discussed to collaborate the Penang Lin Xiang Xiong Gallery with UNESCO. Moreover,as an old friend,Dr. Toledo presented her new published collection to Prof. Lin with her signature.


  On September 06,2018, courtesy visit Dr. Qu Xing,the new appointed Deputy Director General,UNESCO. In-depth discussed the theme "Art for Peace" which is Prof. Lin working endeavour since the exhibition "Art for Peace" two years ago in UNESCO. As a Chinese who secured prominent position in an international organization  Dr. Qu demonstrated his world outlook. After approximately two hours conversation,Prof. Lin and Dr. Qu,determination and momentum to reach a goal spark further solve the war matters and rebuild the schools in the war area as soon as possible.



  On September 06,2018,courtesy visited Art and Society,an non-profitable organization co-founded by UNESCO and CIPSH(International Council For Philosophy And Human Sciences),meeting with the founder Madam Margalit Berriet as well as the volunteers working there,to initiated the future collaboration regards the childrens'education and the auction for rebuilding the war-torn places. Art and Society project is defined as a global movement of artists in the world reflecting on the impact of arts,culture and creativity on societies and on the importance for implementation of a global action.


  On September 07,2018,courtesy visited Prof. Didier Vivier,the Perpetual Secretary of Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium (RASAB). Prof. Vivier and Prof. Lin discussed the topic "Civilisation Dialogue",to indicated the collaborating direction of Global Chinese Arts and Culture Society(GCACS)and RASAB. The two parties could extensively gathering together with the excellent experts and scholars from both eastern and western regions, whom in the fields of art,philosophy,science, which weakens the gap between the east and the west, examines contemporary civilization from the perspective of aesthetics,science and philosophy,comparison of similarities and differences between eastern and western civilizations, and reintegrates and explores to form a new unified human mind.






