1月29日,在 Prof.Luiz Oosterbeek 和 Dr. John Crowley 的参与下,思索未来文化协会(MdA)与炎黄国际文化协会(GCAC)在巴黎联合国教科文组织大楼召开第一次合作后的工作会议,共同讨论和细化合作内容与方向。会议讨论了以下议题:
On 29th Jan 2019, with the participation of Prof.Luiz Oosterbeek and Dr. John Crowley, MdA and GCAC facilitated their first work meeting in UNESCO Building, to work out proposals and plan of action for their collaboration. The following issues have been discussed:
1. 2019-2022 is the first phase of the cooperation between two parties. To work out a framework in promoting arts and culture activities.
2. To publish a high-end English-French arts and culture journal by 2019.
3. To organized the first "Arts for Peace-Arts and Society" forum in Penang in June or July 2019, at the same time to witness the groundbreaking ceremony for Lin Xiang Xiong Gallery in Penang, Malaysia.
4. 2020, to organize a high-end international symposium in promoting arts and culture in Beijing.
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